Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where did the teacups go?

I have cleaned most the dishware from the old house. They had 20 plus years of dirt on them. My first method of cleaning was to put them out in the rain and let the rainwater wash away the dirt. That did a good job. I then soaked then in the sink. Then they were put through the dishwasher. Part of the dishware I
have is 11 teacup saucers with no teacups. All but two of the saucers are from different manufacturers. Where did the teacups go? Were they broken? Were they taken over the years? Why so many different manufacturers? Maybe a teacup collector was in the family. Just a few of the many questions we have about the old house.
My research reveals that the oldest saucer is from 1934. Look below at the saucers. Could you pick out the saucer that has the most interest from eBay shoppers? Maybe if I listed manufacturers you might pick it out.
Edwin M. Knowles, W.S. George Bolero, Homer Laughlin, Taylor Smith, Ly Ray Pastels, Pacific, Parma and Carr.
Take a guess.

Ok this is the saucer that we have had the most interest in.


My favorite

The oldest 1934

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